Tuesday, 21 August 2012


CorelDraw is a comprehensive vector base programme or package, which makes it easy to create a professional art work from simple logo to technical illustration.
It is use to create logos, letter headed papers, birthday card, complementary card, I.D card, invoice etc.
We have different versions of Corel draw like versions 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 depending on when this handout was produced.
Click on start button.
Select program.
Select any CorelDraw version.
Click on it.
Select new graphics.

This is the uppermost bar that displays the name of the package you are currently working with. It also displays the name you gave saving a file
This shows all the menu’s that are used for working in CorelDraw. E.g. file, edit, view, layout, arrange, effect, text, window, and help.
It displays all the formatting tools that enables us to change the orientation of  text and graphics. E.g. font style, font size, bold, italic, underline, etc.
This contains some shortcut items on the menu bar. E.g. save, open, print, etc.
This contains all the colours which enables us to colour our text and graphics
This contains all the tools that are used to work in CorelDraw. E.g. pick tool, text tool, shape too, etc.
This is the area where we create our drawings.

It is used to select items, move, turn and screw, stretch items.
§     To select items
Click on pick tool
Click on items
§     To select group of items       
click on pick tool
move the moue pointer into word space then click and drag to cover area to select.
§     To move items
Click on pick tool
Click on the item and drag to desired position
§     To turn items
Click on pick tool
Click twice on the item such that arrows appear on the item
Move the pointer to nay of the arrows at the bottom or top position such that it changes the sign then click and drag to the desired shape
§     To stretch items
Click on pick tool
Click on item
Move the mouse pointer to any of the nodes such that it changes to the sign then click and drag to desired size.

This is used to transform items to give them a special effect.
Click on “shape tool”
Click on the nude and drag to desired shape

This is used to magnify/reduce the appearance of items in a page.
Click on “zoom tool”
Move the pointer to the working space
Click and drag to cover the area to view

It helps to move the graphic environment to any place on wants, in other words it can be used in place of scroll bar.
Click on “pam tool”
Move pointer to graphic page then press down and move to desired position.

This is used to draw a straight line and also for freehand drawing.
Click on freehand tool
Move the pointer to the work space click once to start the line then move the pointer to where the line is to end and click once to end.

The Bezier tool lets you draw lines and curves by placing each node with the mouse.
§     To draw curves with the breezier tool.
Open the curves fly out, and click the breezier tool.
Click where you want to place the first node and drag the control point in the direction you want the curve to bend.
Position the curve where you want to place the next move and drag the control point to create the curves you want.
Note: The position and angle of the control point affects the shape of the segment you’ve just created and the segment you add (if you add one)
Repeat step3 to add node to the curves
Press SPACEBAR to finish the curves.

§     To draw a straight line with the Bezier tool
Open the curves fly out, and click the breezier tool.
Click where you want to place the first node
Click where you want the next node
Repeat step 3 for every node you want to add
Press spacebar to finish the curves
To draw a close shape with the Bezier tool
Follow step 1-4 of the “to draw curves with the Bezier tool” or the “to draw a straight line with the Bezier tool” procedure
Position the cursor over the next nude and click once.

It is used for artistic write-ups such as brush mode. Calligraphy mode, brush stroke etc.
§     To draw curves in preset mode
Open the curve flyout and click the “artistic media tool”
Click the brush button on the property bar
Click the freehand smoothing box and move the pop-up slider to select smoothness settings
 Move the slider to the right for maximum smoothness, to the left for no smoothness
Type a width in the artistic media tool width box on the property bar, and then press ENTER
The width you set’s here represent the curve’s maximum width
Chooses a preset curve shape from the preset list box
Position the cursor where you want the curves to start
Drag to draw the curves.

§     To draw a curve in brush mode
Open the curve flyout and click the “artistic media tool”
Click the brush button on the property bar
Click the freehand smoothing box and move the pop-up slider to select smoothness settings
 Move the slider to the right for maximum smoothness, to the left for no smoothness
Type a width in the artistic media tool width box on the property bar, and then press ENTER
The width you set’s here represent the curve’s maximum width
Chooses a preset curve shape from the preset list box
Position the cursor where you want the curves to start
Drag to draw the curves.

§     To create brush stroke
Open the curve flyout and click the “artistic media tool”
Click the brush button on the property bar
Select the graphic or text object you use as a brush with the artistic media tool.
Click the save button from the property bar.
In the name dialogue box, type a name for the brush stroke in the file name box, and click save.

§     To create a curve in calligraphy mode
Open the curve flyout and click the “artistic media tool”
Click the calligraphy button from the property bar.
Click the freehand smoothing box and move the pop-up slider to select smoothness settings
Move the slider to the right for maximum smoothness, to the left for no smoothness
Type a width in the artistic media tool width box on the property bar, and then press ENTER
The width you set’s here represent the curve’s maximum width
Type an angle on the calligraphy angle box on the property bar, then press ENTER

 The dimension tool let you draw vertical, horizontal, slanted dimension line.
§     To draw vertical, horizontal, slanted dimension line.
Open the Curve Flyout, and click the Dimension tool.
Vertical Dimension Tool, Horizontal Dimension Tool, Slanted Dimension Tool.
Click where you want to begin measuring
If you want the dimension line to be linked with an object, click on one of the objects snap points
Click where you want to finish measuring
Click where you want to place the dimension text.

The connector line tool lets you draw lines that connects objects in your drawing.
To draw a connector line between two objects .
Open the Curve Flyout, and click the connector line tool
Click a snap point on the second object
When a mouse is over a snap point the snap point is highlighted.
Click a snap point on the second object

This is used to draw rectangles, boxes or square shaped.
Click on rectangle tool
Move the pointer to the work space
Click and drag to desired size

This is used in drawing circles and oval-shape object.
Click on ellipse tool
Move the pointer to the work space
Click and drag to desired size

This is used to draw objects with many sides and stars
Click on the polygon tool
Click and drag to form the desired shape
Drawing of star
Double click on polygon tool
Enter the desired number required for star
Click Ok

The spiral tool lets you draw spiral shapes
Open the Object flyout, and click the spiral tool.
Type a number in the Spiral Revolution box on the Property Bar to indicate the number of revolution you want for the spiral.
Position your cursor where you want the spiral to appear.
Drag diagonally to draw the spiral

The Graph Paper tool lets you draw a grid pattern. This pattern is formed by series of grouped rectangles arranged in rows and columns.
type the number of columns you want in the column number box in the graph paper
Columns and rows box on the property bar.
Type the number of rows you want in the rows number box in the graph paper.
Columns and rows box on the property bar.
Position the cursor where you want the spiral to appear and drag diagonally to draw the grid.

It is used to type and create paragraphed text. It is also used to highlight text after typing.
Click on Artist Text tool
Click on the graphic paper
Type in your text.

It is used to apply two colour effects to items
Select text/item
Click on interactive fill tool
Move the pointer to the text or item then click and drag.
Select desired colour for fill
This is used to apply transparency to items filled with colour.
Select the object/text
Click on transparency tool
Click the object/text and drag to your desired shape and position.
It is used to apply shadow to text or object
Click on interactive drop shadow tool
Click the object/text and drag to your desired position
It is used to apply an outline to text/object
Select the object/text
Click on outline pen tool and choose pen dialogue by clicking on it.
In the outline pen dialogue box select colour, width, style, and click Ok.
This is used to apply different colour backgrounds to text/object. E.g. fountain fill, texture fill and pattern fill.
Select the text/object
Click on fill colour and choose either (fountain, pattern and texture)
In the fill colour dialogue box, select the colour, click ok.
(note: more information on colour fill)

This is used to display fresh graphic/document on the paper.
Open file menu
Choose new
This is used to display on the screen already placed graphic
Click on file menu
Select open
Click the name of the graphic click Ok.

This is used in storing contents of graphics permanently on the memory of the hard disk.
Click on file menu.
Select save as.
Type the name of the file
Click save
The dialogue box, type the file name and also specify the save in (e.g. 3.5 floppy disk)
Click ok
This is used to recall last saved version of a graphic.
This is used to restore changes reversed by the undo command
Open edit menu and choose REDO
This is used to move items to other programs
Open edit menu and choose cut.
This is used to make duplicate of item in graphic worksheet
 Open edit menu and choose copy
This is used to place item from the keyboard in the graphic sheet(i.e items that have been either copy or cut)
Open edit menu, choose paste.
This is used to place items copied or cut from other programs to Corel draw graphics.
Cut or copy
Special placing of items from another program e.g. Ms Word.
Open edit menu in Corel draw and choose paste special
In the dialogue box select desired format and click ok
This is used to erase selected item in the graphic
Select item
Open edit menu and choose delete
This is used to make exact copy of item/text.
Open edit menu and choose duplicate.
This is used to display items in full screen, view hiding bars
Open view menu
Choose full screen preview
To return back to normal click “f9”
This will display the selected items only on the screen
Open view menu and choose preview only selected
Go to edit and click full screen preview
This is used to display or hide the colour palette from display on screen
Open view menu, and choose tool bars.
In the dialogue box, click on desired tool and click.
This is used to put additional pages in a graphics.
Open layout menu and choose insert page
In the insert page dialogue box, specify number of pages to insert and click Ok.
This is used to remove an entire page with all it’s content
Position insertion pointer on page to remove /delete
Open layout menu and choose delete page
In the dialogue box type page number and click Ok.
This is used move from one graphics page to another.
Open layout menu and choose Go to
In the dialogue box specify number and click ok.
This is used to change the name of a page.
Position insertion pointer on the page
Open layout menu and choose Rename.
In the dialogue box , type desired name and click Ok.
This is used to select page size, (i.e. A4), and orientation (i.e. portrait or landscape)
NOTE: what ever page setup that is affected must also be affected on the print setup.
Open layout menu, select page setup.
In the dialogue box select desired paper size, i.e. A4 also select the orientation i.e. portrait or landscape
And click Ok.
This is used to position item either on the centre, top or bottom, left or right, center and top, top and left, bottom and right, centre and centre or centre and bottom of a page or other item.
Select item.
Open arrange menu and select align object.
In the dialogue box, select the desired position and click ok.
This is used to place overlapping items either to the front or back, forward on or back on position of another item.
Select item
Open Arrange menu and choose Order
In the dialog   box,  specify   desire  option   i.e. to front  ( SH + Pgup),  to  back 
(SH + Pgdown)
Forward one (Ctrl + Pgup), back one (Ctrl + Pgdown)
This is used to join two or more items together
Select items
Open arrange menu, and choose group.
This is used to separate grouped items
Select items
Open arrange menu, ad choose ungroup
This command is used to join two or more items to form one item
Select items
Open arrange menu, and choose combine.
This will help you to split text or object inserted from symbol or items combined into component parts
Selects the items
Open Arrange Menu and choose Break Apart
This is used to intersect two object
Select the objects
Open Arrange Menu, and choose intersection
This is used to reshape adjacent intersection of object such that the shape of the
 Object is merged at a target.
Select the items
Open Arrange Menu, select shaping, and choose Trim

This command is used to join two or more objects to form one object dynamically
Linked together.
Select the text or objects
Open Arrange Menu, select shaping and choose weld

This is used to position, rotate, resize, scale and skew items.
Short cuts:  (a)    position (Alt+7)                              (b)       Rotate (Alt+F8)
                  (c)      Size (Alt+F10)                                (d)       Scale and Mirror (Alt+F9)
                 (e)       Skew (F11)
Open arrange menu
Choose transformation, select either position, rotate, scale, size or screw
In the roll-up specify the desire number and click.
This is used to clear all the transformation applied to items.
Select all items
Open arrange menu, and select clear transformation.
This is used to adjust the colour of an item or object
Open the effect menu, select power Clip, and click the frame
(note: you need to position the picture well)
Note: other tools in the effect menu are already on the tool box.

These are special effects that create a different beauty to your work
  To resample by changing the size of a bitmap
Select the object with a pick tool. Click Bitmaps, click Resample
Choose a unit of measurement from the unit’s list box.
In the image size type values in the width and height box
  To resample by changing the resolutio0n of a bitmap
Follow step 1 & 2 from the previous procedure
Enable the maintain original size check box
Disable the maintain aspect ratio and the identical values check box to enter different values for the resolution.
In the resolution section type values, in the horizontal and vertical box.
If you enable the maintain aspect ratio check, typing one value adjusts the other automatically.
Enable the anti-alias check to produce a smother bitmap

To edit bitmap
Select the object with the pick tool. Click Bitmap, Edit Bitmap
Edit the Bitmap in Corel photo paint.
To trace a bitmap automatically
Select the bitmap with the pick tool.
Open the curve fly-out, and click the freehand tool or the Bezier tool.
The point changes to auto trace pointer
Position the auto trace pointer on the bitmap and click.
A close curve object enclose the contours of the bitmap
Repeat step 3 until you have finished selecting areas of the bitmap
With the pick tool, click outside one of the close curves of the bitmap.
Press delete to delete the bitmap and view your work.
To open Bitmap Colour Mask
Click Bitmap, Click Bitmap Colour mask, Click open mask button
In the files of type box, choose the files you want to open.
From the look in list box, choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.
Double-click on the folder to open it.
Double click the file to open the bitmap colour mask
To change the colour of the bitmap colour mask
Click bitmaps, click bitmaps colour mask, choose a colour from the list of colours.
Click edit colour
Use the controls in the select colour dialogue to edit the colour
Click Ok
To save a bitmap colour mask
Click Bitmaps, click Bitmaps Colour Mask,. Click the save Mask button
From the look in list box, choose the drive and folder where you want to save the current colour mask.
Type a name for the files in the files name box.
Click save.
To apply the 3D rotate effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, 3D Rotate.
Change the vertical and horizontal values to rotate and position the 3D model.
Enable the best fit check box to ensure that the bitmaps stays within the boundary of the drawing page.
 To apply the cylinder effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, 3D effects, Cylinder.
Enable horizontal or vertical
Move the percentage slider to the set the direction of the wrapping and then Click o0n apply.
To apply the Page Curl Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, 3D Effects, Page Curl
Click a page corner button to select a corner
Move the width and height sliders to set the curl size.
Click the colour pickers to choose for the curl and background, then Click Apply.
To Apply the Perspective Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, 3D Effect, Perspective.
Enable perspective or shear.
Drag one of the nodes that appears in the preview window, and Click Apply
To drag the Pinch Punch Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, 3D Effect, pinch punch
Click the set centre button.
Move the pinch/punch (-/+) slider to set the intensify of the effect.
Click apply.
To apply the Sphere Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, 3D Effect, Sphere.
Move the percentage slider to set the wrapping
Click apply
To apply the Charcoal Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Art Strokes, Charcoal.
Move the size slider to set the size of the charcoal.
Move the edge slider to set the emphasis of the image edges.
Click apply.
To apply the Conte Crayon Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Art Strokes, Conte Crayon.
Enable either black or white or sanguine or sepia or bistre
Click the colour picker and choose a paper colour.
Move the pressure slider to set the brush pressure
Move the texture slider to set the amount of granularity, and Click ok.
To apply the Crayon Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Art Strokes, Crayon.
Move the size slider to set the crayon size
Move the outline slider to set the Crayon outline details. And click ok.
To apply Cubist Effect.
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Art Strokes, Cubist
Move the size slider to set the size of the Cubist.
To apply Impressionist Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Art Strokes, Impressionist.
Move the horizontal and vertical sliders to set the number of pixels that are displayed horizontally and vertically.
Enable the lock button to set the horizontal value equal to the vertical value. Then click Ok.
To apply the Palette Knife Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Art Strokes, Palette Knife.
Move the blade size slider to set the size of the brush strokes
Move the soft edges slider to set the amount of smudging
Click the angel dial to specify the direction of the brush strokes and then click ok.
To apply the Pastels Effect.
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Art Strokes, Pastels
In the pastels types section, enable either soil or oil.
            Move the stroke size indicator to set the thickness of each line.
            Move the Hue variation indicator to set the colour in the image. Then click Ok.
To apply the pen and Ink Effect.
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Art Strokes, Pen and ink
Enable either crosshatch or stippling.
Move the density slider to set the density of the strokes or dots.
Move the ink pools slider to set the amount of ink in the drawing. Then click Ok.
To apply the Pointillist Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Art Strokes, Pointillist
Move the size indicator to set the point size
Move the brightness indicator to set the colour in your image. Then click Ok.
To apply the Scraper Board Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Art Strokes, Scraper Board
In the scrape section, enable wither colour white
Move the size slider to set the density of the brush stroke
Move the size slider to set the size of the brush stroke. Then Click Ok.
To apply the Sketch Pad Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Art Strokes, Sketch Pad
In the pencil type section, enable either Graphite or colour
Move the styles slider to set the placements or the pixels
Move the lead slider to set the pencil types
Move the outline slider to set the industry of the contours.
 To apply the water colour effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Art Strokes, Watercolor
Move the brush size slider to set the size of the brush stroke
Move the granulation slider to set the granularity of the brush strokes
Move the water slider to set the amount of water in the brushstrokes
Move the bleed slider to set the bleed rate of the brushstrokes
Move the brightness slider to set the amount of light in the image.
To apply the Water Maker Effect
 Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Art Strokes, Water Maker
Move the Brush Size slider to set the size of the brush.
Move the Granulation slider to set the granularity of the brush stroke
Move the water slider to set the amount of water in the brushstrokes
Move the bleed slider to set the bleed rate of the brushstrokes
Move the brightness slider to set the amount of light in the image.
To apply the Marker Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Art Strokes, Water Maker
In the variations section, enable either default or order or random.
Move the colour variations slider to set the contrast between the brushstrokes
Move the size slider to set water nib size.
  To apply Wave Paper Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Art Strokes, Wave Paper
In the brush colour section, enable either colour black or white.
Move the pressure indicator to set pressure exerted on the strokes
  To apply the Directional Smooth Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, blur, Directional Smooth
Move the percentage slider to set the intensity of the effect.
  To apply the Gaussian Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, blur, Gaussian
Move the radius slider to set the intensify of the effect. Click Ok.
  To apply the Low Pass Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, blur, Low Pass
Move the percentage slider to set the intensify of the effect
Move the radius slider to set the number of pixels that are successively selected and evaluate when you apply the effect. Click Ok
 To apply the Radial Blur Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, blur, Radial Blur
Click the set centre button, Click on the bitmap to set a centre point around which the radial blur originates.
Move the Amount Slider to set the intensify of the effect. Click Ok.
  To apply the Smooth Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, blur, Smooth
Move the percentage slider to set the intensify of the smoothing effect. Click Ok
  To apply the Soften Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, blur, Soften
Move the slider to set the crystal fragment. Click Ok
  To apply the Zoom Planes Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, blur, Zoom
Click the set centre button.
Move the following slider to set the dimension of the glass blocks (block width or block height)
  To apply Mosaic Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Creative, Mosaic
Move the size slider to set the size of the colored piece
From a background color, a background color from the choice of colours
Enable the vignette check box if you want to create a frame around the mosaic. Click Ok.
  To apply the particles effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Creative, Particles
Enable one of the following style button; (stars or bubbles)
Move any of the following sliders (Size, density, coloration or transparency)
Click the angle dial to set the direction of the light. Click Ok.
  To apply the Scatter Effect.
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Creative, Scatter
Move the horizontal slider to scatter pixels left to right
Move the vertical slider to scatter pixels top to bottom.
  To apply the Smoked Glass Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Creative, Smoked Glass
Move the horizontal slider to scatter pixels left to right
Move the vertical slider to scatter pixels top to bottom.
  To apply the Stained Glass Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Creative, Stained Glass
Move the size slider to set the size of the stained glass fragments.
Move the light intensify slider to set amount of light in the effect.
Click the solder colour to choose a colour for the edges
Type a value in solder width box to the width of the edges
If you want to create three dimensions light enable 3d lightning check box
Click Ok
  To apply the Vignette Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Creative, Vignette
In the colour selection enable one of the following buttons (White, Black, Other)
In the shape selection enable one of the following buttons (Ellipse, circle, rectangle, square)
Move the offset slider to set the size of the centre of the frame
Move the slider to the transition between the frame and the bitmap
Click Ok
  To apply the Weather Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click Bitmap, Creative, Weather
In the forecast section, enable one of the following buttons (Snow, rain, fog)
Move the size slider to set the size of the effect
Move the strength slider to set the intensify of the effect
Set the direction of the effect by moving the direction dial.
If you want to randomly after the pixel placement, click the randomize button
Click Ok.
  To apply the Offset Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click bitmap, distort, offset.
Move the horizontal and vertical slider to control the amount of Bitmap shifting along the horizontal and vertical plans.
Enable shift values as % of dimension check one of the following option: (Warp around/repeat edges/colour)
  To apply the ripple effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click bitmap, distort, Ripple
In the primary wave section, move the following sliders: (Period/Amplitude)
If you want to create a perpendicular wave, enable the perpendicular wave check box.
Move the perpendicular wave amplitude slider to set the intensify of the perpendicular wave.
If you want to create waves with jagged edges, enable the distort ripple check box.
Click the angle dial to set the angle of the waves. Click Ok.
  To apply the swirl effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click bitmap, distort, Swirl
Enable one of the following buttons (clockwise or counterclockwise)
Click the set center button
Position the cursor over the bitmap, and click to set the centre point around which the images swirl
Move the whole rotations slider to set the number of rotations that the swirl completes.
Move the additional degrees slider to set additional degrees of rotation more precisely.
Click Ok.
  To apply the Tile effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click bitmap, distort, Tile
Move the horizontal Tiles slider to set the number of tile column
Move the vertical tiles slider to set the number of tiles rows. Click Ok.
  To apply the Wet Paint Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click bitmap, distort, Wet Paint
move the percent slider to set the size of the drips
Move the wetness slider to determine which colour drip. Click ok.
  To apply wind effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click bitmap, distort, Distort Wind
Move the strength slider to set the intensify of the wind
Move the opacity to set the transparency of the effect
Click the angle dial to set the direction of the wind. Click ok
  To apply the Add Noise Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click bitmap, noise, add noise
In the noise section, enable one of the following buttons. (Gaussian/Spike)
Move the level slider to set the intensify of the noise.
Move the density slider to set the amount of noise pixels per Inc.
Enable one of the following colour mode buttons (intensive/random/single)
To add a randomly coloured noise texture, enable the colour noise check box.
Click ok.
  To apply the Diffuse Effect
  Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click bitmap, noise, Diffuse
Move the level slider to set the intensify of the effect. Click Ok.
  To Apply The Dust And Scratch Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click bitmap, noise, Dust and Scratch
Move the threshold slider to reduce the image noise.
Move the radius slider to set the range of pixels used to produce the effect. Click Ok
  To Apply The Remove Noise Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click bitmap, noise, Remove Noise
Do one of the following: Enable the auto check box or disable the auto check box.
Move the percentage slider to determine the level (the pixels value) at which to remove noise.
Click Ok.
 To apply the Adaptive Unsharp
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click bitmap, sharpen, Adaptive Unsharp
Move the percentage slider to determine the degree of sharpening. Click Ok.
  To apply the Directional Sharpen Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click bitmap, sharpen, Directional Sharpen Effect
Move the percentage slider to determine the degree of sharpening. Click Ok
  To apply High Pass Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click bitmap, sharpen, High Pass
Move the percentage slider to set the intensify of the effect
Move the radius slider to specify how far colour bleed outward from the edges.
Click Ok
  To apply the Sharpen Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click bitmap, sharpen, Sharpen
Move the edges level (%) slider to set the intensity for the tracing from edges in the Bitmap.
Move the threshold slider to determine how much of the bitmap remains after edges detection.
Click Ok
To apply the UnSharp mask Effect
Select the bitmap with the pick tool, click bitmap, sharpen, Unsharp Mask.
Move the percentage slider to determine the degree of edges accentuation and the degree of sharpening applied to smooth areas in a bitmap.
Move the radius slider to control the number of pixels that are successively selected and evaluated.
Click the threshold slider to determine how much of the bitmap remains after edge detection.
Click Ok
This command helps you to apply font style, font size colour or effects on your text.
Open text menu and choose character
In the dialogue box, choose font style, font size, colour, bold, italic, normal and other effect
This is used to type apply font size, other effect to text. It is also used to format a text.
Open text menu and choose Edit text
In the dialogue box, type the text
To apply other effects on the text
In the character dialogue box, select all necessary effect. Click Ok
This is used to fit the base line item with the outline of non-text item which can either be circles, rectangle or curve lines
Select both the text & object just by windowing them
Open text menu
Choose fit text to path
Make amendments when necessary from the property bar
To remove the second object from the text
Select the object
Open arrange menu and choose separate or break apart
Click on anywhere on the graphic page and the separate them
 To Straight Them
This is used to remove all fit text to path effects from items
Select text
Open text menu and choose straighten text
  Using Convert To Curve Command
This will takes the selected eclipse, rectangle or text string and reduce it to a single curve/line object so that you can use the shape to freely customize the shape.
Draw a shape using your rectangle or oval tool
Select the object
Open arrange menu and choose convert to curve
Double click the line of the shape for the node dialogue box to appear
In the dialogue box click on “convert to curve”
Then use your shape tool to reshape the object
  Add Perspective
It will enable you to create one and two point perspective views of an object
Select the object
Open effect menu and choose Add Perspective
A box with four small handles appear around the selected objects
Click on the handles, hold the mouse button, the objects will redraw in it’s new perspective
  Enveloping of Object
This is used to apply special effect on text and also distort the shape of the objects by using box around it.
Select the object
Open effect menu and choose Envelop Roll-up
Do one of the following
Click the add new button to put envelop around the object
Click the add preset button to display a selection of preset envelops
Select one of the editing nodes you want to use by clicking the appropriate button.
Select one of the handles and drag it in the desired direction.
  Blending of Objects
This is used to merge one object with another through a series of intermediate shapes.
Select the two objects
Open effect menu
Choose blend
In the dialogue box, type the number of steps you want
To specify the colour
Click on the colour wheel icon and click on “Rainbow”
Click apply.
  To Apply Extrude Effect
This is used to apply three dimensional object
Select the object
Open effect menu and choose extrude roll-up
From the dialogue box choose an extrusion.
Set the depth of the Extrude surfaces
Select the colour by clicking on the colour wheel
Click on apply.
This is use to apply combination of colour that radiate either from centre or across on object/item
Select object
Open effect menu and choose contour
In the dialogue box, specify either centre, inside or outside and also specify the offsets and steps
Click on apply
  Inserting Object From Other Programme
This command will assist you to bring objects from other programme to Corel draw
Open edit menu and choose Insert Object
Select Microsoft word picture or other packages
  How To Insert Symbol And Special Characters
This is used to insert symbols and special characters.
Click text menu and choose symbols and special characters
Select webbing and wingding
Click the symbol and select insert
Click close
  How To Print
This is the act of producing hard copy from output device
Click on file menu and select print
In the dialogue box
Printer: select desired printer name
Print range: specify desired range
Number of copies: specify the desired number of copies
Paper size: select desired paper size. E.g. A4
Click print.
This is used to insert picture or link Corel draw to other packages.
Click on insert menu and choose insert new object
Choose from the list e.g. Microsoft word picture
It will take you to word environment
Bring out your picture and click close
The picture will finally appear on the Corel draw environment
This is the assigning of colours to items.
Colour Mixing
This involves the use of more than one colour. E.g. fountain, texture & pattern fill.
Select the item
Click on fill tool
In the dialogue box click “fountain fill”
In the fountain dialogue box, choose custom.
In the custom show colour, double click the node at the right or left end side colour box to produce more nodes.
Also choose the type. E.g. conical, racial, linear & square.
Fill each node with different colours as desired.
Then click Ok.
Texture Filling of Colour.
This is used to apply colour that look like cloud, water, sky, sun, flame e.t.c.
Select the text or object
Click on fill tool and select “texture fill”
In the dialogue box, specify the desired texture library list
Then apply the suitable colour. Click ok
Pattern Fill of Colour
This is the act of transferring graphic image/ pictures from the scanner to the computer.
Switch on the scanner by pressing the button
Click on file menu
Select acquire image and choose acquire
Then set the image and choose scan.


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